quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2021

Prime and Multiple

The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w- 1 with the remaining elements of z=30w- 1 being prime numbers ending in 9 

z=30*(30xy-  y+  x+ 0)- 1   

z=30*(30xy- 7y-17x+ 4)- 1

z=30*(30xy-11y-19x+ 7)- 1

z=30*(30xy-13y-23x+10)- 1


The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-11 with the remaining elements of z=30w-11 being prime numbers ending in 9 

z=30*(30xy-11y+  x+ 0)-11

z=30*(30xy-  y-19x+ 1)-11

z=30*(30xy- 7y- 7x+ 2)-11

z=30*(30xy-13y-13x+ 6)-11




The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-13 with the remaining elements of z=30w-13 being prime numbers ending in 7 

z=30*(30xy-13y+  x+ 0)-13 

z=30*(30xy-  y-17x+ 1)-13

z=30*(30xy- 7y-11x+ 3)-13



The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-23 with the remaining elements of z=30w-23 being prime numbers ending in 7 

z=30*(30xy-23y+  x+ 0)-23 

z=30*(30xy-  y- 7x+ 1)-23 

z=30*(30xy-11y-17x+ 7)-23

z=30*(30xy-13y-19x+ 9)-23


The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w- 7 with the remaining elements of z=30w- 7 being prime numbers ending in 3 

z=30*(30xy- 7y+  x+ 0)- 7 

z=30*(30xy-  y-23x+ 1)- 7

z=30*(30xy-11y-13x+ 5)- 7

z=30*(30xy-17y-19x+11)- 7


The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-17 with the remaining elements of z=30w-17 being prime numbers ending in 3 

z=30*(30xy-17y+  x+ 0)-17 

z=30*(30xy-  y-13x+ 1)-17

z=30*(30xy- 7y-19x+ 5)-17 

z=30*(30xy-11y-23x+ 9)-17


The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-19 with the remaining elements of z=30w-19 being prime numbers ending in 1 

z=30*(30xy-19y+  x+ 0)-19 

z=30*(30xy-  y-11x+ 1)-19

z=30*(30xy- 7y-23x+ 6)-19

z=30*(30xy-13y-17x+ 8)-19


The expressions below contain all the multiple numbers that exist in z=30w-29 with the remaining elements of z=30w-29 and w>1 being prime numbers ending in 1 

z=30*(30xy+  y+  x+ 1)-29  

z=30*(30xy-  y-  x+ 1)-29

z=30*(30xy- 7y-13x+ 4)-29

z=30*(30xy-11y-11x+ 5)-29



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